Journal of Policy & Governance

(ISSN: 2564-212X; CODEN: JPGOC8; DOI: 10.33002/jpg) is an international, scientific double blind peer-reviewed open access journal published 2 times a year online by The Grassroots Institute.

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Journal of Policy & Governance is comprehensively covering the subjects of policy and governance in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. By bridging both academic and professional domains, the journal provides professionals, practitioners, researchers, students, and policymakers, and any other persons with information on developments in the field of policy and/or governance.

VOLUME: 03(01) (JUNE 2023)

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M – 00345Analytical Article

Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation

Tony Sevelka

International Valuation Consultants Inc., Suite 38, Matheson Mews, 2601 Matheson Boulevard East, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A8 Canada. E-mail: | ORCID:

Journal of Policy & Governance, 03(01) (June 2023), 1-22.

Received: 15 April 2023

Published: 30 June 2023

Reviewed: 11 May 2023

Accepted: 19 May 2023

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Aggregate extraction operations are notorious for causing significant environmental damage, often permanent and irreversible, and when permitted in the wrong geographic locations nearby property owners are adversely and uniquely impacted. Through no fault of their own conduct, innocent property owners near an aggregate extraction operation experience a diminished quality of life, lose the full use and enjoyment of their properties, and sustain a reduction in the value of their properties, for which no compensation is received. The unauthorized and free use of third-party property by a Pit or Quarry results in a de facto taking of an interest in land similar to an easement for as long as the Pit or Quarry remains operational, which, in Ontario, should be assumed to be in perpetuity. A Licence to extract aggregate has no expiry date, and annual tonnage figures are not publicly accessible. Given the indeterminate duration of aggregate extraction, municipalities need to develop robust land use policies that will protect existing communities, sustain orderly and efficient long-term growth and preserve the quality of life for future generations.

Keywords: Mining; Quarry; Blasting; Aggregate extraction; Property value; Compensation


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APA Style

Sevelka, T. (2023). Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation. Journal of Policy & Governance, 03(01), 1-22.

Harvard Style

Sevelka, T. (2023). Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation. Journal of Policy & Governance, 03(01): 1-22. Doi:

ACS Style

Sevelka T. Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation. Journal of Policy & Governance, 2023, 03 (01), 1-22.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sevelka, Tony. 2023. “Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation”. Journal of Policy & Governance, 03 no. 01: 1-22.

AAA Style

Sevelka, Tony. 2023. “Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation”. Journal of Policy & Governance, 03 (01): 1-22.

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