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VOLUME: 02(02) (DECEMBER 2022)

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M – 00322Analytical Article

Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations

Alla Pecheniuk*1, Andrii Pecheniuk2, Hasrat Arjjumend3

1Department of Economy, Entrepreneurship, Trade & Exchange Activities, Podillia State University, st. Shevchenko, 13, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Email: | ORCID:

2Department of Finance, Banking, Insurance & Electronic Payment Systems, Podillia State University, st. Shevchenko, 13, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Email: | ORCID:

3The Grassroots Institute, 548 Jean Talon Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Email:, | ORCID:

*Corresponding author

Journal of Policy & Governance, 02(02) (December 2022), 18-25.

Received: 30 October 2022

Published: 31 December 2022

Reviewed: 27 November 2022

Accepted: 29 November 2022

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This article analyzes multiple interpretations of the concept of "mentality" and its structure. The peculiarities of the psychology of the Ukrainian people are studied/analyzed, and the main features of it are highlighted. The factors influencing the identity of modern Ukrainians are the living environment, geopolitical influences, relations with other peoples, history and historical conditions of the nation's development, church, and the religion. The manifestations of the psychology of the Ukrainian people hinder the effective socio-economic development of the country when interfacing the globalization. This article analyzes the consequences of the destructive influence of the repressive Soviet regime on the national culture and social consciousness of the Ukrainian people. Attention is focused on the need to cultivate behavioural characteristics of the people aiming at the implementation of an effective complex solutions, which tend to contribute to increasing the competitiveness and success of the State. A conclusion is made about the negative impact on the national psyche of the long-term absence of their own State in global domains.

Keywords: Psychological characteristics; National character; National consciousness; Geopolitical influence; Ukrainian society; National idea


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APA Style

Pecheniuk, A., Pechniuk, A., & Arjjumend, H. (2022). Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations. Journal of Policy & Governance, 02(02), 18-25.

Harvard Style

Pecheniuk, A., Pechniuk, A. and Arjjumend, H. (2022). Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations. Journal of Policy & Governance, 02(02), 18-25. Doi:

ACS Style

Pecheniuk A., Pechniuk A., Arjjumend, H. Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations. Journal of Policy & Governance, 2022, 02 (02), 18-25.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Pecheniuk, Alla, Pechniuk, Andrii, Arjjumend, Hasrat. 2022. “Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations”. Journal of Policy & Governance, 02 no. 02: 18-25.

AAA Style

Pecheniuk, Alla, Andrii Pechniuk and Hasrat Arjjumend. 2022. “Psychological Peculiarities of the Ukrainian People in Context of Globalization and Transformations”. Journal of Policy & Governance, 02 (02): 18-25.

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