Journal of Policy & Governance

(ISSN: 2564-212X; CODEN: JPGOC8; DOI: 10.33002/jpg) is an international, scientific double blind peer-reviewed open access journal published 2 times a year online by The Grassroots Institute.

Open Access—free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.

High Visibility: Indexed in HEIN. Indexing is proposed in the WoS, Scopus and other databases.

Fast Publication: Primary acceptance to the submitted article is given in 1 week time. After consent of author(s), manuscript is peer-reviewed, and a first decision provided to authors in 2-4 weeks after submission.

Recognition of Reviewers: The reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in the journal, in appreciation of the work done. Reviewers also receive Certificate for their voluntary service.


A publication fees or Article Processing Charges (APCs) is the business model for JPG. Under this arrangement, the journal is to charge a nominal fee upon acceptance of an article for publication. The idea is for the fee to cover the costs of production, although in practice it might cover more or less. Because rejected articles pay no publication fees, the publication fee must cover the costs of publishing the accepted article plus the cost of reviewing the number of submissions rejected or withdrawn for each accepted submission. The invoice may go to the author, and the author or co-author directly pay the bill. Hence this model is called as the "author pays" or "author fee" model. The fee is called as "article processing charge" (APC).

Detailed information on the APC is available on the page ARTICLE PROCESSSING CHARGES of our website.

In addition to core APC-based revenue generation, all journals of The Grassroots Institute may consider advertising on the website and/or article pages in order to generate income to help support the journal. Under this model, web based advertising revenue is generally based on either the number of website users that may view the advertisement or the number of website users that interact with the advertisement (CPM versus CPA). This advertising will always be in conformation to our Advertising Policy.

Call for Articles

Our journal announces Call for Papers using primarily the email communiques, social media and peer friend circles. Our members of Editorial Board also popularize the journal among their students, colleagues, friends and other concerned people. When we send any communication using any platform, we use appropriate language, facts, style and symbols with well targeted audiences using unobtrusive mode. Information provided about the our Institute and journal is always truthful and never misleading for readers, potential authors, audiences and receivers of the content.

In Partnership with

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Advisory Board

    Advisory Board

    * Prof. Dr. Ivanyshyn Volodymyr (Ukraine)

    * Mr.Tony Sevelka (Canada)


    Executive Chief Editor

    Dr. Hasrat Arjjumend President & CEO

    The Grassroots Institute, Canada

    Deputy Editor-in-Chief

    Prof. Dr. Larysa Klymanska, Professor

    Department of Sociology and Social Work

    Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

    Associate Editor

    Dr. Mohanasundari Thangavel

    Assistant Professor (Economics)

    School of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India

    Dr. Ansari P. A.

    Post Doctoral Researcher

    Centre for West Asian Studies

    Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), India

    Ms. Nusrat Yaqoob

    PhD Fellow

    Department of Economics

    University of Karachi

    & Member, UNESC0-Water (Scientific Committee)

    & Global Climate Ambassador, GYCN-WBG MTE Cohort 2022

    Editorial Board

    * Prof. Dr. George Mavrotas (Belgium)

    * Dr. Sigrid Pauwels (Belgium)

    * Prof. Dr. H. Hassan-Yari (Oman)

    * Dr. Noor Sulastry Y.A. (Oman)

    * Prof. Dr. Honor G. Fagan (Ireland)

    * Dr. Romeo B.Pacudan (Brunei Darussalam)

    * Prof. Dr. habil. Corina M. Radulescu (Romania)

    * Dr. Margarita Cheshmedzhieva (Bulgaria)

    * Dr. Kamelia Assenova (Bulgaria)

    * Dr. Virgil Nicula (Romania)

    * Dr. Vesna Mrdalj (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

    * Prof. Dr. Shulga Ievgenii Viktorovich (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Olena Khrushch (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Lesya Ilchenko-Syuyva (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Iryna Golyash (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Sam Noshadha (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Alla Pecheniuk (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Rinata Kazak (Ukraine)

    * Dr. Orobets K. Mykolaiovych (Ukraine)

    * Stephen J. Ternyik (Germany)

    * Prof. Dr. Scott Valentine (Japan)

    * Dr. Ornanong Benbourenane (UAE)

    * Dr. Bashir AbulQaraya (UAE)

    * Dr. Amany A. El Anshasy (UAE)

    * Dr. Mehrdad Mozayyan (UAE)

    * Dr. Sasidaran Gopalan (UAE)

    * Dr. Sumaia A. Al Kohlani (UAE)

    * Dr. Amani Abdullatif Omer (UAE)

    * Dr. Riham Khafagy (UAE)

    * Dr. Sabiha Alam (India)

    * Dr. Jatswan Singh (Malaysia)

    * Prof. Dr. Shakila Yacob (Malaysia)

    * Dr. Raja Noriza R. Ariffin (Malaysia)

    * Dr. Md. Nazmus Sadekin (Bangladesh)

    * Dr. Evelie P. Serrano (Philippines)

    * Prof. Dr. Judith D. Serrano (Mexico)

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