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M – 00314Review Article

Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review

Sining Zhang

Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 611756, Xipu Campus, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, P. R. China.

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Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 5(4): 1-18. Doi:

Received: 30 August 2022

Reviewed: 29 September 2022

Provisionally Accepted: 10 October 2022

Revised: 25 October 2022

Finally Accepted: 24 November 2022

Published: 31 December 2022


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Editing Work

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Considerable attention has been given to the concept of landscape services since the development of research on ecosystem services. However, from the landscape perspective, there are numerous challenges and unanswered issues regarding landscape services. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review about the state-of-the-art concept of landscape services and its corresponding approaches while trying to set up a foundation for further discussions. First, the definitions and classifications of ecosystem services and landscape services are presented. Second, the relationship between ecosystem services and landscape services, and the studies that integrate ecosystem services into landscape research, are discussed. Finally, an overview is provided concerning research conducted at multiple scales, and the various assessment and quantification methods used for mapping and studying landscape services, even though there are many challenges in establishing a comprehensive approach for such quantification and mapping.


Landscape services; Ecosystem services; Classification; Quantifying and mapping


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Zhang, S. (2022). Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 5(4): 1-18. Doi:

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Zhang, S. (2022). Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 5(4), 1-18.

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Zhang S. Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 2022, 5 (4), 1-18.

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Zhang, Sining. 2022. “Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review”. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 5 no. 4: 1-18.

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Zhang, Sining. 2022. “Applying the Landscape Services Concept in Landscape Research: A Review”. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 5 (4): 1-18.

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