(ISSN:2581-6853; CODEN: GJNRA9; DOI: 10.33002/nr2581.6853) is an international, scientific double blind peer-reviewed open access journal published 3 times a year online by The Grassroots Institute.
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Open Access—free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
High Visibility: Indexed in the SCOPUS, Web of Science (Zoological Record, Biosis Previews, Biological Abstracts, Biosis Full Coverage Unique, and CAB Abstracts), EBSCO and other databases.
Fast Publication: Provisional acceptance of the submitted article is given in 1 week time. After consent of author(s), manuscript is peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors in 2-4 weeks after submission.
Recognition of Reviewers: The reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in the journal, in appreciation of the work done. Reviewers also receive Certificate for their voluntary service.
Editorial Board |
Executive (Chief) Editor |
Name | : | Dr. Hasrat Arjjumend | |
Designation | : | Founder President & CEO | |
Affiliation | : | The Grassroots Institute #7Apt, 548 Jean-Talon Ouest, Montreal (Quebec) H3N 1R5 CANADA |
: | harjjumend@gmail.com, ceo@grassrootsinstitute.ca, editor@grassrootsjournals.org | ||
Telephone | : | +1 4389387786, +91 9868993710 | |
Expertise | : | Governance of Natural Resources; Biodiversity Law and Governance; CBD/Nagoya Protocol and National ABS Laws in Various Countries; Resource Rights of Indigenous People; Customary Law & Indigenous Rights; Rangelands and Common Property Resources; ICCAs; Agroecology; Agrarian Laws of Microbial Products; Wetlands Conservation; Rights of Indigenous People; Land Rights; Agrobiodiversity Conservation; Forest Stewardship and Parks-People Interface; Community Institutions & Local Governance; Natural Resource Management; Participatory Rural Development; Environmental Issues | |
Weblink | : | http://grassrootsinstitute.net/hasrat_arjjumend.html |
Associate Editors |
Name | : | Dr. Usongo Patience Abaufei | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : |
Department of Geography University of Buea Buea CAMEROON |
: | pusongo@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +237675862078 | |
Expertise | : | Environnemental Impact Assessment; Environnemental Education ; Natural Resource Evaluation and Management; Environnent and Agriculture | |
Weblink | : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Usongo-Patience https://ubonline.academia.edu/usongopatience https://www.linkedin.com/in/patience-usongo-b0720924/ |
Name | : | Ms. Areej Sabir | |
Designation | : | Phd-Research Scholar | |
Affiliation | : |
Hohai University Nanjing, China Islamabad, Pakistan PAKISTAN |
: | areejsabir@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +86-19825815332 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources Management; Climate Change; Integrated Watershed Management; Environmental Pollution, Water Resources | |
Weblink | : | http://www.linkedin.com/in/areej-sabir-b6801087/ http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Areej_Sabir?ev=hdr_xprf&_sg=pHihJ7YR_3wZqf2zqt4gJgS4q5Jt _WGDwQH2E3lCumcXeDVA0cIkAEEEtnQ0v7CocJt DsPKYcSXzxISpSFm1ZlPV |
Name | : | Dr. Jason MacLean | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Faculty of Law University of New Brunswick Fredericton, E3B 5A3 CANADA |
: | j.maclean@unb.ca | ||
Telephone | : | + 1 506 453 4702 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Law; Natural Resources Law; Climate Change and Energy Policy; Sustainability Pathways and Co-benefits | |
Weblink | : | https://www.unb.ca/faculty-staff/directory/law/maclean-jason.html https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-maclean-67445013/?originalSubdomain=ca https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jason_Maclean2 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm? per id=1190710 |
Name | : | Dr. Yuliya Rashchupkina | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Political Science Department and the School of Climate Change University of Prince Edward Island 550 University Ave, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, C1A 4P3 CANADA |
: | yrashchupkina@upei.ca | ||
Telephone | : | +1 902-566-0512 | |
Expertise | : | International Political Economy of Decarbonization; Role of International Organizations and Norms in Shaping National Climate Change Policies; Climate Change Mainstreaming; Politics of Fossil Fuels Subsidies and Global Environmental Governance | |
Weblink | : | https://www.upei.ca/profile?u=yrashchupkina https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuliya-rashchupkina- 37054013/?originalSubdomain=ca https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Aa4JU5AAA AAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuliya_ Rashchupkina https://islandscholar.ca/people/yrashchupkina https://www.apollo.io/people/Yuliya/Rashchupkina/5 4a44f1e7468692fa2b2683d |
Name | : | Dr. Richard leBrasseur | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor & Director | |
Affiliation | : | Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture Director, The Green Infrastructure Performance Lab Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Agriculture Dalhousie University EE Building, Room 223 Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N 5E3 CANADA |
: | r.lebrasseur@dal.ca | ||
Telephone | : | +1 902.893.6663 | |
Expertise | : | Green Infrastructure; Environmental Psychology; Peri-Urban Landscapes; Ecological Design; Sustainable Planning | |
Weblink | : |
https://www.gipl.land/ https://www.dal.ca/faculty/agriculture/plant-food-env/faculty-staff/our-faculty/richard-lebrasseur.html https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Richard-Le-Brasseur https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HKwc4-QAAAAJ&hl=en https://theconversation.com/profiles/richard-lebrasseur-959535 https://www.environmentalmoods.org/bio https://www.landterre.com/dalhousie-university |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Bartha Dénes, DSc | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Environment and Nature Protection Faculty of Forest Engineering University of Sopron 9400 Sopron Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u.4 HUNGARY |
: | bartha.denes@uni-sopron.hu | ||
Telephone | : | +36 99 518-205 | |
Expertise | : | Forest Regeneration; Ecological Analysis of Forest Landscapes; Protected or Nature Conservation Areas; Climate Change; Invasive Species; Flora Mapping;Architectural Structure of Forest Trees; Dendroflora in Hungary | |
Weblink | : |
http://nti.emk.uni-sopron.hu/barthadenes https://www.sopronitema.hu/hirek/tallozo/ pedagoguscsalad-sarja https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&lang=EN&sz_ID=4636 |
Name | : | Dr. Kollányi László | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor & Deputy Head | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Landscape Planning and Spatial Development Institute of Landscape Architecture, Town and Country Planning and Ornamental Horticulture Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences H-2100, Gödöllő Páter K. u. 1. HUNGARY |
: | kollanyi.laszlo@uni-mate.hu | ||
Telephone | : | +36 205753165 | |
Expertise | : | Landscape Character Mapping; Green Infrastructure GIS Applications; Landscape Ecology and Landscape Metrics; Heritage Protection; Impact Assessments; Modeling of Ecological Networks | |
Weblink | : | https://tajepiteszet.uni-mate.hu/dr.-koll%C3%A1nyi-l%C3%A1szl%C3%B3 https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&lang=HU&sz_ID=3726 https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10011166 |
Name | : | Dr. Krisztián Katona | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Wildlife Biology and Management Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences H-2100, Gödöllő Páter K. u. 1. HUNGARY |
: | katona.krisztian@uni-mate.hu | ||
Telephone | : | +36 28 522 000 /2131 | |
Expertise | : | Wildlife Biology; Animal Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation; Ethology, Human-Wildlife Conflicts | |
Weblink | : | https://vadgazdalkodas.uni-mate.hu/vadbiol%C3%B3giai-%C3%A9s-vadgazd%C3%A1lkod%C3%A1si-tansz%C3%A9k https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Krisztian-Katona-2 https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-7300-2504 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602527847 https://0-scholar-google-com.brum.beds.ac.uk/citations?user=XIf5s6oAAAAJ&hl=th https://www.linkedin.com/in/katona-krisztian-00915419/?originalSubdomain=hu |
Name | : | Dr. Marcos Frommel | |
Designation | : | International Consultant | |
Affiliation | : | Oxfam (Canada) - On-Frontiers (USA) - INNOVACT II (European Union) Punta del Este (URUGUAY) Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA) |
: | mfrommel@alumni.uwo.ca | ||
Telephone | : | +55 53 99999 0488 | |
Expertise | : | Sustainable agricultural development (agroecological production); Industrial wood preservation (vacuum treatment, layout, best available practices0; Occupational Health and Safety Assurance; Environmental Management; Environmental Impact Assessment; Innovative approaches for agricultural production; Use of beneficial bacteria on plant production | |
Weblink | : | www.linkedin.com/in/frommelmi2202 https://www.developmentaid.org/#!/Marcos.Fromme https://formuladores.anii.org.uy/adjunto/index/id/ 245/ |
Name | : | Dr. Olena Khrushch | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of General & Clinical Psychology Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Shevchenka St, 57 Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine |
: | olena.khrushch@pnu.edu.ua | ||
Telephone | : | +380 967188500 | |
Expertise | : | General Psychology; Child Psychology; Personality Psychology; Psychology of a Healthy Lifestyle; Ethnic Psychology; Environmental Psychology; Carpathian Mountains Sociology | |
Weblink | : | https://kztkp.pnu.edu.ua/khrushch-olena/ https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=5VCQffQAAAAJ&hl=uk |
Name | : | Dr. Evgeniya Kopitsa | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Environmental Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, UKRAINE |
: | evgeniya.kopitsa@gmail.com, ye.m.kopytsya@nlu.edu.ua | ||
Telephone | : | +380 938506200 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Law; Natural Resources Management; International Conventions; Biodiversity | |
Weblink | : | http://nlu.edu.ua/en/ |
Name | : | Dr. Anastasiia Zymaroieva | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Educational and Research Center for Ecology and Environmental Protection Polissia National University 7 Staryi Bulvar St., Zhytomyr 10008, Ukraine |
: | nastya.zymaroeva@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +38(097)7706502 | |
Expertise | : | Ecology, Agronomy | |
Weblink | : | http://znau.edu.ua/en/ https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9382-8269 http://www.researcherid.com/A-8853-2018 https://www.scopus.com/57211044236 https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=VNcrvlkAAAAJ&hl=uk |
Name | : | Dr. Alla Pecheniuk | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilia & Chairperson, Institute of Socio-Economic Regional Studies Kamianets-Podilskyi Ukraine |
: | dom.alla@meta.ua | ||
Telephone | : | +38 0968385473 | |
Expertise | : | Rural Economics; Rural Tourism; Social Economy; Entrepreneurial Activity; Development of Rural Areas; Social Entrepreneurship; Local Finances; Local Budgets. | |
Weblink | : | https://www.pdatu.edu.ua/pro-universytet/kafedra-ekonomiki-pidpriemnitstva-torgivli-ta-birzhovoji-diyalnosti.html https://www.grassrootsglobal.net/mer2020/ pdf_files/dr-alla-pecheniuk.pdf |
Name | : | Dr. Buryk Zoriana | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Management and Public Administration Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav 79034, Lviv Ukraine |
: | zoriana.buryk@pnu.edu.ua, z.burik@ukr.net | ||
Telephone | : | +38 0679994240 | |
Expertise | : | Sustainable Development; Ecology; Public Administration; State Regulation of Sustainable Development. | |
Weblink | : | https://uhsp.edu.ua/personnel/buryk-zoryana-myhajlivna/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zoriana-Buryk |
Name | : | Dr. Marius Warg Næss | |
Designation | : | Research Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU), High North Department Tromsø NORWAY |
: | marius.naess@niku.no | ||
Telephone | : | +47-90721907 | |
Expertise | : | Nomadic pastoralism; Pastoral adaptation; Risk management; Labour and production; Cooperation and competition; Reindeer husbandry; Tibetan pastoralism; Mobility/land use; Human ecology; Human behavioural ecology; Climate change policy; Social organisation; Quantitative and qualitative methods; Interdisciplinary approaches; Traditional knowledge; Theoretical modelling. | |
Weblink | : | https://www.niku.no/en/ansatt/marius-warg-naess/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bQNQXSsAAAAJ&hl=ja https://www.linkedin.com/in/marius-warg-n%C3% A6ss-0b0aa067/?originalSubdomain=no https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marius_Warg_ Naess2 |
Name | : | Dr. Stefano Duglio | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Management & Vice-president of NatRisk Interdepartmental Research Centre on Natural Risks in Mountain and Hilly Environments University of Torino 218 bis, Corso Unione Sovietica IT10134 TORINO ITALY |
: | stefano.duglio@unito.it | ||
Telephone | : | +39 (011) 6705716 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Sustainability; Environmental Management Models for Businesses; Mountain Tourism; Smart Tourism | |
Weblink | : |
http://www.emeritus.unito.it/ https://www.ecoaz.unito.it/persone/stefano.duglio https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Duglio |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Maria-Mihaela Antofie | |
Designation | : | Full Professor & Director | |
Affiliation | : | Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Protection Faculty for Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & National Focal Point SBSTTA for Convention on Biological Diversity 5-7 Dr. Ioan Ratiu Str Sibiu 550012 ROMANIA |
: | mihaela.antofie@ulbsibiu.ro | ||
Telephone | : | +40-(269) 21.13.38 | |
Expertise | : | Agrobiodiversity; Agroecology; Plant Genetic Resources; Biotechnology | |
Weblink | : |
http://saiapm.ulbsibiu.ro/ http://centers.ulbsibiu.ro/sapm/ https://www.cbd.int/countries/nfp/?country=ro http://elena-project.eu/index.php/hu/partners/romania/lucian-blaga-university-from-sibiu/175-maria-michaela-antofie https://publons.com/researcher/547938/maria-mihaela-antofie/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7ZwUfMEAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN |
Name | : | Prof. habil. Dr. Cristiana Radulescu | |
Designation | : | Full Professor & Director | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology Department of Science and Advanced Technologies Faculty of Science and Arts Valahia University of Targoviste 13 Sinaia Alley 130004 Targoviste ROMANIA |
: | cristiana.radulescu@valahia.ro, radulescucristiana@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +40-245206109, +40-729851455 | |
Expertise | : | Analytica & Environmental Chemistry | |
Weblink | : |
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1208-7732 https://www.euchems.eu/about-us/executive-board/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cristiana-Radulescu https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Eh9Mt04AAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/radulescu-cristiana-156b3a89/?originalSubdomain=ro https://publons.com/wos-op/researcher/1475050/radulescu-cristiana/ |
Name | : | Dr. Ioana-Daniela Dulama | |
Designation | : | Scientific Director | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science & Technology Valahia University of Targoviste Targoviste ROMANIA |
: | dulama_id@yahoo.com; dulama.ioana@icstm.ro | ||
Telephone | : | +40-720-140-647 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources Management; Climate Change; Integrated Watershed Management; Environmental Pollution | |
Weblink | : |
https://www.grassrootsglobal.net/mer2020/pdf_files/ ms-ioana-dulama.pdf https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Fw6ldwUAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ioana-Dulama https://www.linkedin.com/in/ioana-daniela-dulama-a2a0a288/?originalSubdomain=ro |
Name | : | Dr. Mihaela Stet | |
Designation | : | Senior Lecturer | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Technical University of Cluj Napoca Victor Babes Street, 62A Baia Mare, Maramures, 430083 ROMANIA |
: | mihaelastet@yahoo.com, mihaela.stet@ieec.utcluj.ro | ||
Telephone | : | +40 0740079664 | |
Expertise | : | Transportation, Accounting, Logistics, Energy Management, Environmental Protection | |
Weblink | : | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mihaela-stet-60899037/ |
Name | : | Dr. Radoslaw Janusz Walkowiak | |
Designation | : | Biologist | |
Affiliation | : | International Equisetological Association POLAND |
: | radekwalkowiak@tlen.pl, iea.wep@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +48 697984692 | |
Expertise | : | Biology; Applied Biology; Plant Biology; Plant Systematics; Phylogenetic Taxonomy; Equisetum; Tortula muralis complex; Marchantia polymorpha complex; Botanical Nomenclature; History of Botanical Explorations and Discovery; Conservation Biology; Microbiology; Molecular Spectroscopy; Interactions between toxins and cell membrane; Bioactive Compounds; In vitro plant breeding | |
Weblink | : | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Radostaw_ Walkowiak http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4225-7985 https://internationalequisetologicalassociation. yolasite.com/radek-walkowiak.php https://www.inaturalist.org/people/radekwalkowiak https://community.plantae.org/user/radekwalkowiak |
Name | : | Dr. Shafi Noor Islam | |
Designation | : | Senior Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Dept. of Geography, Environment and Development Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) University of Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link Gadong, BE-1410 Bandar Seri Begawan BRUNEI DARUSSALAM |
: | shafi.islam@ubd.edu.bn | ||
Telephone | : | +673-7375865 | |
Expertise | : | Mangrove Wetland Ecosystems; Ecosystem Services and Food Security Assessment in Asian Mega Deltas; Urban and Coastal Wetlands Ecology Management; Cultural Landscapes Management Planning and Protection; Water Salinity Modelling, Application of GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) in Environmental Data Analysis; Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation and Management; Climate Change impacts Mitigation, Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Planning for Urban and Rural Landscapes sustainability; Eco-Tourism, Country site Landscapes and Land use Planning. | |
Weblink | : | https://expert.ubd.edu.bn/shafi.islam https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shafi-Islam https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aipmTPIAAAAJ&hl=en https://tu-cottbus.academia.edu/ShafiNoorIslam https://in.linkedin.com/in/dr-shafi-noor-islam-92a6021 https://fass.ubd.edu.bn/staff/profiles/shafi.html https://events.globallandscapesforum.org/speaker/ shafi-noor-islam/ |
Name | : | Dr. Wenresti G. Gallardo | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Marine Science and Fisheries College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences Sultan Qaboos University Al Khoudh, Muscat, Postal Code 123 SUNTANATE OF OMAN |
: | gallardo@squ.edu.om, wggallardo@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +968 2414-3750 | |
Expertise | : | Aquaculture and Environment; Aquaponics; Tropical Marine Aquaculture; Aquatic Resources Management | |
Weblink | : | https://www.squ.edu.om/agriculture/Academic-Department/Marine-Science-and-Fisheries/Faculty |
Name | : | Dr. Omprakash Madguni | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Indian Institute of Forest management Nehru Nagar, Bhopal – 462 003 INDIA |
: | prakash@iifm.ac.in, md_omprakash@rediffmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +91 94256 00172 | |
Expertise | : | Environment Management, Sustainable Development; Water Resource Management | |
Weblink | : | http://iifm.ac.in/ |
Name | : | Dr. Y. Vasudeva Rao | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agriculture (PSB), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan-731236, West Bengal, India |
: | yvrao31@gmail.com, yvrao@visva-bharati.ac.in | ||
Telephone | : | +91 9475983931 | |
Expertise | : | Biochemistry, Immunology; Natural Resources; | |
Weblink | : | http://www.visvabharati.ac.in/YVasudevaRao.html |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Sanjay-Swami | |
Designation | : | Professor (Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry) | |
Affiliation | : | School of Natural Resource Management, College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University, Umiam (Barapani) - 793 103, Meghalaya, INDIA |
: | sanjay.nrm.cpgsas@cau.ac.in, sanjay.swami@gov.in, sanjayswamionline@gmail.com, sanjayswamionline@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +91-9419157291 | |
Expertise | : | Conservation and Management of Natural Resources, Hill Agriculture, Land Use Planning, Integrated Farming Systems, Organic Farming, Acid Soil Management, etc. | |
Weblink | : | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjay-swami-6ab2aa57/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanjay_Swami |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Yiching Song | |
Designation | : | Professor & Programme Leader | |
Affiliation | : | UN Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) c/o Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 11A, Datun Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100101, PEOPLE′S REPUBLIC OF CHINA |
: | songyc.ccap@igsnrr.ac.cn | ||
Telephone | : | +86-10-64889834 | |
Expertise | : | Healthy Food Systems; Participatory Action Research; Policy Analysis; Farmer Seeds Network in China; Farmer Seed Systems; Community Based Seeds; Heber Medicine; Climate Change Adaptation | |
Weblink | : |
http://www.unep-iemp.org/ http://www.fsnchina.net/ |
Name | : | Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail-1902, BANGLADESH |
: | islammstazu@yahoo.com, profmsislam@mbstu.ac.bd | ||
Telephone | : | +880 1710 660209 | |
Expertise | : | Aquatic Environment and Resource Management | |
Weblink | : | http://www.mbstu.ac.bd/ |
Name | : | Dr. Syed Hafizur Rahman | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences & Director, Centre of Excellence in Teaching & Learning Jahangirnagar University Dhaka 1342, BANGLADESH |
: | hafizsr@juniv.edu | ||
Telephone | : | +8801720173352 | |
Expertise | : | Water Sciences and Climate Change | |
Weblink | : | https://www.juniv.edu/teachers/hafizsr http://syedhafizurrahman.com/ |
Name | : | Dr. Muhammad Aslam Ali | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Environmental Science Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh, BANGLADESH |
: | aslam.envs@bau.edu.bd, litonaslam@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +88-01731921248 | |
Expertise | : | GHGs flux measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions for sustaining agriculture; Disaster risks assessment and adaptations under the changing climate; Terrestrial and aquatic Ecosystem conservation; Environmental impacts on agriculture. | |
Weblink | : | https://envsc.bau.edu.bd/profile/ENVSC1002 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2007-0199 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhammad_ Ali44 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cH2Yz08AAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Dr. Md. Mujibor Rahman | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Environmental Science Discipline Khulna University Khulna 9208, BANGLADESH |
: | mujib@es.ku.ac.bd, mujibku@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +88 01712 218847 | |
Expertise | : | GIS; Remote Sensing; Disaster Management; Environmental Impact Assessment; Land Information System; Physical Environment | |
Weblink | : | https://discipline.ku.ac.bd/es/faculty/mujibku http://esdku.net/faculty/https://scholar.google.com/ citations?user=rW7sgGQAAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Dr. Shahidul Islam | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Geography and Environmental Studies University of Chittagong, BANGLADESH |
: | shahid_ges@yahoo.com, shahid_geo@cu.ac.bd | ||
Telephone | : | +880 1716 551709 | |
Expertise | : | Land cover monitoring and simulation, Land use/cover change modeling, Climate change and surface dynamics, Remote Sensing Big Data application, GEE and GIS application, Image processing, Disaster management, planning and sustainability. | |
Weblink | : | https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1530-3090 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shahidul_ Islam26 https://cu.ac.bd/public_profile/index.php?ein=4987 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=7kf-S2wAAAAJ |
Name | : | Dr. Dragojla Golub | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Biology and Department of Ecology and Environment Protection Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Banja Luka Mladena Stojanovica 2 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA |
: | dragojla.golub@pmf.unibl.org | ||
Telephone | : | + 387 51 319 142, + 387 65 920 506 | |
Expertise | : | Zoology (Ichthyology); Bioindication in Freshwater Ecosystems; Environmental Monitoring | |
Weblink | : | https://www.unibl.org/en/fis/zaposlen/1365-dragojla-golub https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dragojla_Golub https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nXm2xMMAAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Dr.Vesna Rajčević | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Physical Geography and Geology Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Banja Luka Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | vesna.rajcevic@pmf.unibl.org, vrajcevic@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +387 65 544 078 | |
Expertise | : | Hidrology; Applied Hydrology; Water Resource Usage and Management; Sustainable Development and Water Resource Management; Water and Adaptation to Climate Change | |
Weblink | : | https://www.unibl.org/en/fis/zaposlen/1417-vesna-rajcevic https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2105968054-Vesna-Rajcevic |
Name | : | Dr. Grujica Vico | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Agroeconomy and Rural Development Faculty of Agriculture University of East Sarajevo Vuka Karadzica 30 East New Sarajevo 71123 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | vicogrujica@yahoo.com, grujica.vico@pof.ues.rs.ba | ||
Telephone | : | +387 57 340 401 | |
Expertise | : | Agroeconomy, Agribusiness management, Calculations | |
Weblink | : | http://www.pof.ues.rs.ba/en/grujica-vico-2/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CjxAS3wAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Grujica-Vico |
Name | : | Dr. Vesna Tunguz | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Plant Production Faculty of Agriculture University of East Sarajevo Vuka Karadzica 30 Istocno Novo Sarajevo 71123 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | vesna.tunguz@pof.ues.rs.ba | ||
Telephone | : | +387 57340401 | |
Expertise | : | Soil Science; Agrometeorology; Ecoclimatology; Soil Melioration; Biogeography | |
Weblink | : | http://www.pof.ues.rs.ba/en/vesna-tunguz-2/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/vesna-tunguz-6a3003bb/?originalSubdomain=ba https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U_wpF0EAAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić | |
Designation | : | Full Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Field and Vegetable Crops Botany Faculty of Agriculture University of Novi Sad Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8 21 000 Novi Sad SERBIA |
: | brana@polj.uns.ac.rs, branka.ljevnaic@polj.uns.ac.rs, branka.ljevnaic@polj.edu.rs | ||
Telephone | : | +381 64 22 88 036 | |
Expertise | : | Botany; Plant Ecology; Aquatic Flora and Vegetation; Biodiversity; Weed Science | |
Weblink | : | http://polj.uns.ac.rs/sr/node/344 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Branka-Ljevnaic-Masic https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=grzMl2UAAAAJ&hl=en https://ns.academia.edu/BrankaLjevnai%C4%87Ma %C5%A1i%C4%87 https://www.linkedin.com/in/branka-ljevnai%C4%87-ma%C5%A1i%C4%87-5ba4b939/ |
Name | : | Dr. Nikola Boskovic | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of General Economics and Economic Development Faculty of Economics University of Kragujevac Djure Pucara Starog 3 34000 Kragujevac, SERBIA |
: | nikolab@kg.ac.rs | ||
Telephone | : | +381 34 303 500 | |
Expertise | : | General Economics and Economic Development; Natural Resources and Environment; Economics of Tourism; Sustainable Development; Management of Tourism Destination | |
Weblink | : | http://www.ekfak.kg.ac.rs/en/teaching-stuff?id=366&idd=349 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nikola-Boskovic https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2105-6196 |
Name | : | Dr. Muhamed Katica | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Pathological Physiology Veterinary Faculty University of Sarajevo Zmaja od Bosne 90 71 000 Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | muhamed.katica@vfs.unsa.ba, katicamuhamed@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +387 33 729 155 | |
Expertise | : | Breeding and Pathology of Laboratory Animals; Haematology; Veterinary Ecology; Biogenic Amines; Livestock Public Health | |
Weblink | : | www.vfs.unsa.ba https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yZs4Y9cAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/katica-muhamed-621a8b44/?originalSubdomain=ba https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhamed_ Katica https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36245072000 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Afrim Selimaj | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Faculty of Management in Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Haxhi Zeka University 3000 Peja REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO |
: | afrim.selimaj@unhz.eu | ||
Telephone | : | +386 49 165282 | |
Expertise | : | Economics; Marketing; Managing Natural Resources; Environmental Economy; Water Resources Economics | |
Weblink | : | https://unhz.eu/faculty/17115/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Afrim-Selimaj https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rsypxAsAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/afrim-selimaj-2297a389/?originalSubdomain=al |
Name | : | Dr. Prasanthi Gunawardena | |
Designation | : | Professor in Environmental Economics | |
Affiliation | : | Professor & Coordinator, Resource Economics Unit Department of Forestry and Environmental Science University of Sri Jayewardenepura Nugegoda, SRI LANKA |
: | prasanth@sjp.ac.lk | ||
Telephone | : | +94 11 280 4685, +94 71 416 6159 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental and Resource Economics; Ecological Economics; Life Cycle Assessment, Cost Benefit Analysis | |
Weblink | : | http://www.environmentlanka.com/dfes/staff.php https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E7roJZEAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/prasanthi-gunawardena-0590831a/?originalSubdomain=lk https://sjp.academia.edu/UADPrasanthiGunawardena https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Prasanthi_ Gunawardena |
Name | : | Dr. Nishan Sakalasooriya | |
Designation | : | Senior Lecturer | |
Affiliation | : | Senior Lecturer of Geography and Development Studies Deputy Director, Community Service Center Coordinator, MA/MSc Program in Geography Department of Geography University of Kelaniya Kelaniya 11600, SRI LANKA |
: | nishan@kln.ac.lk, sakalasooriyanp@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +94 71 802 6162 | |
Expertise | : | Disaster Management; Sustainable Development Regional Planning; Political Ecology; Community Governance for Sustainable Societies | |
Weblink | : | https://ss.kln.ac.lk/depts/geography/index.php/ component/sppagebuilder/?view=page&id=19 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nishan_ Sakalasooriya https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rI2vDKcAAA AJ&hl=en https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUqTNlVvNIonn INmuUhJvrA https://www.facebook.com/nishan.sakalasooriya.5/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishan-sakalasooriya-85159530/?originalSubdomain=lk |
Name | : | Dr. T. Mathiventhan | |
Designation | : | Senior Lecturer (Gr. I) | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Botany Faculty of Science Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai Chenkalady, SRI LANKA |
: | tmathiventhan@gmail.com, mathiventhant@esn.ac.lk, tmathiventhan@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +94, 65 40757, +9465 2240757, +94 779 684 166 | |
Expertise | : | Climate Change; Environmental Impacts Assessment; Community-based Natural Resource Management and Conservation; Coastal Resources; Resilience and Management; Socio-ecology of Mangroves | |
Weblink | : | www.fsc.esn.ac.lk/profile/t_mathiventhan.php http://www.fsc.esn.ac.lk/botany/academic-staff/t- mathiventhan https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mathiventhan_ Thavanayagam3 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5498-8577 |
Name | : | Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Development Planning Management and Innovation Department of Development and Sustainability School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) Asian Institute of Technology 58 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120 THAILAND |
: | morshed@ait.ac.th | ||
Telephone | : | +66-2524 5664 | |
Expertise | : | Economic Geography; Regional and Rural Development Planning; Community Development; NGOs/Civil Society and Globalization; Adaptation to Climate Change; Human Conflict | |
Weblink | : | https://www.ait.ac.th/mokbul-morshed-ahmad/ http://dds.ait.ac.th/dvteam/dr-mokbul-morshed-ahmad/ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4003-0920 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mokbul_Ahmad https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ph92Bm4AAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Dr. Juan M. Pulhin | |
Designation | : | Professor & UP Scientist III | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Social Forestry & Forest Governance & UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources & Environment Management College of Forestry and Natural Resources University of the Philippines Los Baños College, Laguna 4031 PHILIPPINES |
: | jpulhin@yahoo.com, jmpulhin@up.edu.ph | ||
Telephone | : | +63-49-536-3493 | |
Expertise | : | Geographical Sciences; Environment and Development Studies; Social Forestry; Community-based Natural Resource Management and Forest Governance; Human Dimensions of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction; Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Governance including Policy and Institutional Analysis; Project Design (including Participatory Land-Use Planning); Monitoring and Evaluation including the Use of Various Social Science Tools like Interviews; Participatory Methodology such as Participatory Rural Appraisal, Stakeholder Analysis, and Related Techniques; Forestry Education and Training | |
Weblink | : | https://uplb.edu.ph/all-news/dr-juan-m-pulhin-nast-academician/ https://www.apn-gcr.org/person/juan-m-pulhin/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Pulhin https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FAMj6QoAAAAJ&hl=en http://spheres.dost.gov.ph/sci-profile.php?i=001830 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Rose Jane J. Peras | |
Designation | : | Professor and Chair | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Social Forestry & Forest Governance College of Forestry and Natural Resources University of the Philippines Los Baños Gregorio Zamuco Hall Martin Reyes St. UP Los Baños College, Laguna 4031 PHILIPPINES |
: | rjperas@up.edu.ph | ||
Telephone | : | +63 49 536 3493 | |
Expertise | : | Social Forestry; Community-Based Forest Management; Forest Governance | |
Weblink | : |
https://cfnr.uplb.edu.ph/sffg/ https://scholar.google.com.ph/citations?user=maMdXlcAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rose-Jane-Peras https://www.apn-gcr.org/bulletin/author/rose-jane-j/ |
Name | : | Dr. Hildie Maria E. Nacorda | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | School of Environmental Science and Management University of the Philippines Los Baños College, Laguna, 4031 PHILIPPINES |
: | henacorda@up.edu.ph | ||
Telephone | : | +63 49 536 2836 | |
Expertise | : | Marine Benthic Ecology; Seagrass Ecosystem Ecology; Coastal and Marine Social-Ecological Systems | |
Weblink | : |
https://uplb.edu.ph/college/school-of-environmental-science-and-management-sesam/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JJmhKEUAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hildie_Maria _Nacorda3 |
Name | : | Izr. Prof. Dr. Matej Ogrin | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Geography Faculty of Philosophy / Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana Aškerčeva cesta 2 SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA |
: | Matej.Ogrin@ff.uni-lj.si | ||
Telephone | : | +386 01/241 1246 | |
Expertise | : | Sustainable Mobility; Mountain Geography; Human Ecology; Landscape Ecology; Alpine Identity; Climatology; Air Pollution; Climate Change; Topoclimate; Geography of Protected Areas | |
Weblink | : |
https://www.ff.uni-lj.si/en/staff/matej-ogrin https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matej-Ogrin https://www.grassrootsglobal.net/mer2020/faculty /dr-matej-ogrin.html https://www.linkedin.com/in/matej-ogrin-27a916141/?originalSubdomain=si https://www.facebook.com/YOUrALPS/ https://www.facebook.com/cipra.slovenia https://www.ouralps.org/en/university-ljubljana-department-geography |
Name | : | Dr. Zornitsa Stoyanova | |
Designation | : | Associated Professor & Chairwoman of Business Faculty General Assembly & Deputy Head of the Department | |
Affiliation | : | Natural Resources Economics Department Business Faculty University of National and World Economy Student Town "Hristo Botev" Sofia 1700, BULGARIA |
: | zstoyanova@unwe.bg | ||
Telephone | : | +35928195529 | |
Expertise | : | Economics of Natural Resources; Environmental Assessment; Water management, Small Business; Farm Management | |
Weblink | : | http://blogs.unwe.bg/zstoyanova/en/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zornitsa-Stoyanova-2 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8Mb2MXUAAAAJ&hl=fr https://ideas.repec.org/d/unweebg.html |
Name | : | Dr. Anna Karova | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Agroecology and Environmental Protection Faculty of Agroecology and Plant Protection Agricultural University 12 Mendeleev blvd. Plovdiv 4000, BULGARIA |
: | karova_ae@abv.bg | ||
Telephone | : | +359 32 654 425 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources Management; Organic Farming; Sustainable Food Systems; Agroecology; Agrobiodiversity; Biological Control | |
Weblink | : | https://www.au-plovdiv.bg/teacher/366 https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-karova-1998bb66/?originalSubdomain=bg |
Name | : | Dr. Ing. Katerina Berchová Bímová | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Applied Ecology Faculty of Environmental Sciences Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Kamýcka 129 165 00 Prague - Suchdol CZECH REPUBLIC |
: | berchova@fzp.czu.cz | ||
Telephone | : | +420 224 382 999 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Protection; Environmental Monitoring; Plant Ecology; Sustainable Development of Ecosystem; Biological Invasions; Landscape Management | |
Weblink | : |
http://wp.czu.cz/cs/index.php/?r=1071&mp=person.info&idClovek=2131 https://publons.com/researcher/3841390/katerina-berchova-bimova/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katerina-Berchova-2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6666-5836 |
Name | : | Dr. Fauziah Shahul Hamid | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA |
: | fauziahsh@um.edu.my | ||
Telephone | : | +603 79676739 | |
Expertise | : | Waste Bioremediation (Marine Debris, Microplastic); Environmental Microbiology (leachate remediation, organic waste bioremediation); Solid Waste Management (landfill management, leachate treatment technology); Zero-Discharge Technologies (Cleaner Production, Waste Audit); Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology (Dye Effluent, Heavy Metal Removal); Organic Waste Treatment (Bioremediation); Soil Bioremediation (toxicity, leachate pollution, bioaugmentation); Waste Management (RDF conversion, leachate treatment); Waste Bioremediation (composting, vermicomposting); Soil Bioremediation (landfill post closure, ex-landfill remediation); Solid Waste Management (MSW, recycling, public perception, landfill) | |
Weblink | : | https://umexpert.um.edu.my/fauziahsh.html http://biology.um.edu.my/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shahul-Hamid-Fauziah https://my.linkedin.com/in/fauziah-shahul-hamid-a98b8b4 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Sampson Umenne | |
Designation | : | Full Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences Namibia University of Science and Technology Floor 1, Room 051 Architecture Building 13 Jackson Kaujeua Street Private Bag 13388, Windhoek NAMIBIA |
: | sumenne@nust.na | ||
Telephone | : | +264 61 207 2924 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Conservation through Green Architecture | |
Weblink | : | http://fnrss.nust.na/?q=architecture-spatial-planning/staff/sampson-umenne http://african-expert-federation.org/index.php_staticid=169.html https://na.linkedin.com/in/sampson-umenne-244567106 |
Name | : | Dr. M. Surabuddin Mondal | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Surveying Engineering Wollega University Nekemte, ETHIOPIA |
: | msk.iit@gmail.com, mondal25604@alumni.itc.nl | ||
Telephone | : | +251-925782818 | |
Expertise | : | Geoimatics; Geoinformatics; Remote Sensing; GIS. Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Dynamics; LULC Change & Climate Change; Land Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) Modeling & Predictions; Geoinformatics for Natural Resources & Environment Management; Spatial Decision Modeling | |
Weblink | : | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9270-0420 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IVzIy-AAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Md-Surabuddin-Mondal-2 https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-md-surabuddin-mondal-416a03ab?originalSubdomain=pt |
Name | : | Dr. Firuza Begham Mustafa | |
Designation | : | Deputy Dean (Undergraduate) & Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA |
: | firuza@um.edu.my | ||
Telephone | : | +603 7967 5502 | |
Expertise | : | Geography (Agricultural Geography, Soil and Land Use Change); Agricultural Sciences; Aquaculture Management; Environmental & Social Impacts; Environmental Management | |
Weblink | : | https://umexpert.um.edu.my/firuza https://www.researchgate.net/profile/M_Firuza2 https://publons.com/researcher/B-3136-2010/ |
Name | : | Dr. Safiah Yusmah binti Dato' Muhammad Yusoff | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Geography Department Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA |
: | dr.safiah@um.edu.my | ||
Telephone | : | +603 79675541 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources (Human-Water Interactions); Environmental Geography (Community's Flood Adaptation, Vulnerability and Resilience); Environmental Geography (Integrated Water Resources Management); Environmental Protection (Urban Forest, Urban Green or Urban Spaces); GIS; (Forest Management, Timber Harvesting Plan, Forest Road; Sediment Transport and Silting (Soil Erosion Prediction, Universal Soil Loss Equation) | |
Weblink | : | https://umexpert.um.edu.my/dr-safiah.html http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-9663-2010 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Safiah_ Muhammad_Yusoff |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Waleed Mohamed Reyad Hamza | |
Designation | : | Professor of Aquatic Ecology | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Biology College of Science United Arab Emirates University P.O. Box 15551, Al Ain UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
: | w.hamza@uaeu.ac.ae | ||
Telephone | : | +971 3-7136547 | |
Expertise | : | Aquatic Ecology; Oceanography; Environmental Biology | |
Weblink | : | https://cos.uaeu.ac.ae/en/departments/biology/ profile.shtml?email=w.hamza@uaeu.ac.ae |
Name | : | Dr. Moetaz El Sergany | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor & Program Chair | |
Affiliation | : | School of Health and Environmental Studies Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Dubai Academic City P.O. Box 71400, Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
: | M.ElSergany@hbmsu.ac.ae | ||
Telephone | : | +971 (4) 4241021 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Management; Environmental Health; Waste management; Waste Treatment Design and Operation of Waste Management Facilities; Environmental Impact Analysis | |
Weblink | : |
https://www.hbmsu.ac.ae/about/academics /schools/school-health-environmental-studies/dr-moetaz-el-sergany https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Moetaz-Elsergany https://scholar.google.ae/citations?user=13IaN7kAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/ moetazelsergany/?originalSubdomain=ae |
Name | : | Dr. Nurzat Totubaeva | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Environmental Engineering Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University 56 Chyngyz Aitmatov Avenue Bishkek KYRGYZ REPUBLIC |
: | nurzat.totubaeva@manas.edu.kg | ||
Telephone | : | +996-312-492756 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Protection; Ecological Microbiology; Environmental Monitoring; Soil Ecology; Sustainable Development of Ecosystem | |
Weblink | : |
http://intl.manas.edu.kg/en/engineering/ecological _engineering/1130 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nurzat-Totubaeva https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user= 98NzfAsAAAAJ&hl=ru https://publons.com/researcher/4144076/nurzat-totubaeva/ |
Name | : | Dr. Eldiiar Duulatov | |
Designation | : | Acting Director | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Geology National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic Geography Department & Associate Professor Department of Humanitarian & Natural Sciences Room 22, 2nd Floor #30 Erkindik Blvd Bishkek, 720040 KYRGYZSTAN |
: | e.duulatov89@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +996702642342 | |
Expertise | : | Physical geography; Hydrology; GIS; Remote Sensing | |
Weblink | : |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ Eldiiar_Duulatov http://geol.kg/en/home/ |
Name | : | Dr. Mohinder Slariya | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Higher Education Govt. of Himachal Pradesh & Principal Govt. College Salooni (Chamba District) (Himachal Pradesh University Shimla) Himachal Pradesh INDIA |
: | mohinderslariya@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +91 9418041374 | |
Expertise | : | Sociology; Environmental Sociology; Human Dimensions of Development; Climate Change; Food Security | |
Weblink | : |
https://publons.com/journal/5156/human-ecology/ https://publons.com/researcher/1480052/dr-mohinder-slariya/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mohinder-slariya-554ba018/?originalSubdomain=in https://gpgcollegecba.academia.edu/ DrMohinderKumarSlariya/CurriculumVitae https://glp.earth/users/mohinder-slariya https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0678-323X https://www.amazon.in/Books-Dr-Mohinder-Slariya/s?rh=n%3A976389031%2Cp_27%3ADr. +Mohinder+Slariya |
Name | : | Dr. Hongfen Zhu | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Resource and Environment Shanxi Agricultural University 1# South Mingxian Road, Taigu, Shanxi 030801 CHINA |
: | hongfzh@sxau.edu.cn, hongfzh@163.com | ||
Telephone | : | +86 13546632035 | |
Expertise | : | Soil geography, Pedometric, Soil hydrology, Agricultural remote sensing | |
Weblink | : |
http://zhxy.sxau.edu.cn/info/1297/10591.htm https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Hongfen-Zhu-2115189009 |
Name | : | Dr. Corrine Cash | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Professor, Faculty of Climate and Environment & Faculty Member, Coady International Institute St. Francis Xavier University 4780 Tompkins Lane PO Box 5000, Antigonish Nova Scotia B2G 2W5 CANADA |
: | ccash@stfx.ca | ||
Telephone | : | +1 902 867-5745 | |
Expertise | : | Environment; Climate Change; Urban Planning; Social Equity; Water, Food & Energy; Governance | |
Weblink | : | https://coady.stfx.ca/corrine-cash/ https://www2.mystfx.ca/climate-and-environment/node/51 https://www.linkedin.com/in/corrine-cash-phd-b2aa2b12/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Corrine_Cash |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Santosh Kumar | |
Designation | : | Professor of Public Policy & Dean | |
Affiliation | : | School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies Adamas University Adamas Knowledge City Barasat, Barasat – Barrackpore Road Kolkata – 700126 India |
: | dean.solacs@adamasuniversity.ac.in, kusantosh1.kumar@adamasuniversity.ac.in | ||
Telephone | : | +91-9662080741 | |
Expertise | : | Public Policy, Governance, Natural Resources Management, People’s Participation | |
Weblink | : | https://www.linkedin.com/in/santosh-kumar-ba06149/ |
Name | : | Dr. Charlie Greg Sark (Mi'kmaq-Settler) (Member of the Lennox Island First Nation) | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | School of Climate Change & Adaptation Faculty of Science & Faculty of Education University of Prince Edward Island Duffy Science Centre, Room 411 550 University Ave, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, C1A 4P3 CANADA |
: | cgsark@upei.ca | ||
Telephone | : | +1-902-628-4326 | |
Expertise | : | Indigenous Food Pathways; Indigenous Tourism; Climate Change; Rural Planning and Development | |
Weblink | : | https://www.upei.ca/school-of-climate-change-and-adaptation/faculty-members https://projects.upei.ca/climate/about-us/climate-lab-team/ https://naturecanada.ca/about/our-people/board-of-directors/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlie-sark-75355138/?originalSubdomain=ca |
Name | : | Dr. Mahani Haji Hamdan | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor & Director | |
Affiliation | : | Institute of Policy Studies UBD School of Business & Economics Universiti Brunei Darussalam Bander Seri Begawan, BRUNEI |
: | mahani.hamdan@ubd.edu.bn | ||
Telephone | : | +673 7158090 | |
Expertise | : | Accounting & Organisational Behaviour | |
Weblink | : | http://expert.ubd.edu.bn/mahani.hamdan |
Name | : | Dr. Maja Manojlovic | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor & Head | |
Affiliation | : |
Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department of Biology Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Banja Luka 2 Mladena Stojanovića Banjaluka, 78000 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | maja.manojlovic@pmf.unibl.org | ||
Telephone | : | +387/65 689 941 | |
Expertise | : | Ecotoxicology; Animal ecology; Freshwater ecology; Ichthyology; Ecological monitoring | |
Weblink | : | https://pmf.unibl.org/dr-maja-manojlovic-docent/ https://www.unibl.org/sr/fis/zaposlen/1395-maja-manojlovic https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SjYFAJkAAAAJ&hl=hr&authuser=1 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maja_ Manojlovic4 |
Editorial Board Members |
Name | : | Dr. Suren N. Kulshreshtha | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics & Associate Member, School of Environment and Sustainability University of Saskatchewan 3D12 Agriculture Bldg., 51 Campus Dr. Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A8 & Adjunct Professor, Department of Natural Resources Sciences, McGill University, Montreal CANADA |
: | suren.kulshreshtha@usask.ca | ||
Telephone | : | + 1 306 966-4014 | |
Expertise | : | Greenhouse gas emission mitigation; Drought economic impact assessment; Water resources and irrigation; Environmental valuation | |
Weblink | : | https://agbio.usask.ca/faculty-and-staff/people-pages/suren-kulshreshtha.php#research_areas https://ideas.repec.org/f/pku578.html http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n92040777/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Surendra_ Kulshreshtha |
Name | : | Dr. Simon J. Lambert | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Indigenous Studies University of Saskatchewan Kirk Hall, 117 Science Place Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C8 CANADA |
: | simon.lambert@usask.ca | ||
Telephone | : | 1-306-966-8527 | |
Expertise | : | Indigenous environmental management, Indigenous disaster risk reduction, Indigenous wellbeing | |
Weblink | : | https://artsandscience.usask.ca/profile/SLambert#/ profile https://www.indigenousdrr.com/ |
Name | : | Dr. Tetiana Fedoniuk | |
Designation | : | Professor & Head | |
Affiliation | : | Professor of the Department of Forest Ecology and Life Safety & Head of the Educational and Research Center for Ecology and Environmental Protection Polissia National University 7 Staryi Bulvar St., Zhytomyr 10008, Ukraine |
: | tanyavasiluk2015@gmail.com, tetiana.fedoniuk@polissiauniver.edu.ua | ||
Telephone | : | +380686775995 | |
Expertise | : | Landscape Ecology, Hydrology, Hydrobotany, Synecology, Biodiversity | |
Weblink | : | http://znau.edu.ua/en/ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6504-0893 http://www.researcherid.com/M-2406-2017 https://www.scopus.com/57204546466 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UAb4YhoAAAAJ&hl=uk |
Name | : | Dr. Nadiia Yorkina | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Ecology, General Biology & Environmental Management Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University Hetmanskast., 20 72318, Melitopol Ukraine |
: | nadyayork777@gmail.com, yorkina_nadiia@mdpu.org.ua | ||
Telephone | : | + 380681541578 | |
Expertise | : | Urban Ecology;BioindicativeAssessment;Urban Ecosystems;Spatial Ecology of Soil Animals;Psychogenetic Human Ecology | |
Weblink | : | https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Oc9-EEYAAAAJ&hl=ru https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nadya_Yorkina2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9996-195X https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?origin=resultslist&authorId=57191378036&zone= https://publons.com/researcher/2941985/nadiia-yorkina-nadya-yorkina/ |
Name | : | Dr. Mirela Ranta | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Plant Culture Faculty of Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Calea Mănăștur 3-5 Cluj-Napoca 400372 ROMANIA |
: | mirela.cirebea@usamvcluj.ro, cirebea_mirela@yahoo.com | ||
Telephone | : | +40 742 164611 | |
Expertise | : | Animal Husbandry and Animal Nutrition; Production Performance of Animals; Preparation of Animal Feed; Meadow Management; Spontaneous Flora | |
Weblink | : |
http://agricultura.usamvcluj.ro/index.php/member/ asist-dr-mirela-cirebea/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mirela-Cirebea https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WwynrV0AAAAJ&hl=ro |
Name | : | Dr. Lun YIN | |
Designation | : | Professor & Director | |
Affiliation | : | Professor, Center for Ecological Civilization & Director, Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge Southwest Forestry University Bohai Rd, Panlong District Kunming, Yunnan, CHINA |
: | 13888267735@163.com | ||
Telephone | : | +86-13888267735 | |
Expertise | : | Traditional Knowledge; Indigenous Peoples; Biodiversity; Climate Change. | |
Weblink | : | http://www.cbik.ac.cn/ https://nticc2020.pathable.co/people/f4sxa2aN6Km JqNTKR https://nticc2020.pathable.co/meetings/virtual/7 DoBXL8iZvR8gHXC4 https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/245/7/66/ 1573892325453.html |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Dragan Čomić | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor & Vice-Dean | |
Affiliation | : | Vice Dean for Scientific Research & International Cooperation & Head, Department of Forest Economics & Organization Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka Vojvode Stepe Stepanovica 75a 78000 Banja Luka Republic of Srpska BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA |
: | dragan.comic@sf.unibl.org | ||
Telephone | : | +387 51464628, +387 65392873 | |
Expertise | : | Forest Economics; Forest Policy and Organization; Green Entrepreneurship; Forest-based circular bio-economy; Economic aspects of Forestry in Climate Change | |
Weblink | : | https://www.unibl.org/sr/fis/zaposlen/3071-dragan-comic https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dragan-Comic-2 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cig52wMAAAAJ&hl=sr https://www.linkedin.com/in/dragan-%C4%8Domi%C4%87/?originalSubdomain=ba |
Name | : | Mr. Jiban Shrestha | |
Designation | : | Scientist | |
Affiliation | : | Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), National Plant Breeding and Genetics Research Centre (NPBGRC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal |
: | jibshrestha@gmail.com, jibanshrestha@narc.gov.np | ||
Telephone | : | +977-9808037472 | |
Expertise | : | Agriculture, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Agronomy, Agrobiodiversity | |
Weblink | : | http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jiban_Shrestha3 http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IW6YaQ4AAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/jiban-shrestha-47231677/ |
Name | : | Dr. A.G. Amarasinghe | |
Designation | : | Senior Lecturer | |
Affiliation | : | Senior Lecturer (Gr. I) & Head Department of Geography Faculty of Social Sciences University of Kelaniya Dalugama, SRI LANKA |
: | amarageo@kln.ac.lk | ||
Telephone | : | +94-011-2914489, +9-4070-2558912 | |
Expertise | : | Physical Geography; Coastal Geomorphology;Disaster Management; Coastal Erosion; Climate Change; Flood Hazard | |
Weblink | : | https://ss.kln.ac.lk/depts/geography/index.php/ component/sppagebuilder/?view=page&id=21 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Ankumbure- Gedara-Amarasinghe https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cwnbYXsAAAAJ&hl=en |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Anirudh Singh | |
Designation | : | Professor of Renewable Energy & Dean | |
Affiliation | : | School of Science & Technology The University of Fiji Saweni Campus Queens Road, Saweni, Lautoka FIJI |
: | anirudhs@unifiji.ac.fj | ||
Telephone | : | +679 6640600 | |
Expertise | : | Renewable Energy; Energy Policy; Climate Change Mitigation, Environmental Quality and Management; | |
Weblink | : | https://www.unifiji.ac.fj/school-of-science-technology/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anirudh-Singh-8 https://www.linkedin.com/in/anirudh-singh-aa984416/?originalSubdomain=uk |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Engin Nurlu | |
Designation | : | Professor & Head | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Agriculture Ege University 35100 Bornova, Izmir TURKEY |
: | engin.nurlu@ege.edu.tr | ||
Telephone | : | + 90 232 3112615 | |
Expertise | : | Agricultural Sciences; Landscape Architecture; Landscape Planning; Landscape Management, GIS | |
Weblink | : | https://peymim-agr.ege.edu.tr/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Engin_Nurlu https://www.linkedin.com/in/engin-nurlu-666628bb/?originalSubdomain=tr |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Kürşat Demiryürek | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Agricultural Economics Faculty of Agriculture Ondokuz Mayıs University Samsun, TURKEY |
: | kursatd@omu.edu.tr, kdemiryurek@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +90 (362) 312-1919 / 1372 | |
Expertise | : | Extension Education; Communication Networks; Innovation Systems; Entrepreneurship Education; Distance Education; Organic Agricultural Economics | |
Weblink | : | https://personel.omu.edu.tr/en/kursatd https://personel.omu.edu.tr/en/kursatd/short-biography https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kursat_ Demiryurek https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=LHXtjI8AAAAJ&hl=tr https://www.linkedin.com/in/kursat-demiryurek-038a0753/?originalSubdomain=tr |
Name | : | Dr. Chandradeo Bokhoree (Sanjeev) | |
Designation | : | Associate Professor & Head | |
Affiliation | : | School of Sustainable Development and Tourism University of Technology, Mauritius La Tour Koenig Pointe-Aux-Sables MAURITIUS |
: | sbokhoree@umail.utm.ac.mu | ||
Telephone | : | +230-2075250 | |
Expertise | : | Sustainability Assessment; Environmental Health Analysis; Environmental and Energy Systems; Environmental System Modelling | |
Weblink | : | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OGZydhcAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chandradeo-Bokhoree |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Ahmed Samy Kamis | |
Designation | : | Professor of Water Resources Engineering | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Management Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture King Abdulaziz University P.O. Box 80208 Jeddah 21589 KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA |
: | akamis@kau.edu.sa | ||
Telephone | : | +966-508140213 | |
Expertise | : | Surface Hydrology; Hydraulics; Water Resources Economics; Irrigation Engineering | |
Weblink | : | https://akamis.kau.edu.sa/Default-0052040-EN https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahmed-Kamis https://biography.omicsonline.org/saudi-arabia/king-abdulaziz-university/ahmed-samy-ahmed-elzaher-kamis-105261 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Hatem Abd El Rahman Saied Ahmed Ewea | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Management Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture King Abdul-Aziz University P.O. Box 80200 Jeddah 21589 KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA |
: | hewea@kau.edu.sa | ||
Telephone | : | +966 557495103 | |
Expertise | : | Water Resources Assessment and Management; Arid Zone Hydrology, Surface Water Modeling; Integrated water resources management, Integrated Flood management. | |
Weblink | : | https://www.kau.edu.sa/Content-0053599-EN-7136 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elhag | |
Designation | : | Professor of Remote Sensing & Geo-Information | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Water Resources Faculty of Environmental Sciences King Abdulaziz University & Visiting Professor The State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing & Aerospace Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Science, China & Department of Geoinformation in Environmental Management, CI-HEAM/Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece & Department of Applied Geosciences & Department of Applied Geosciences German University of Technology in Oman, Oman P.O. Box 80200 Jeddah 21589 KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA |
: | melhag@kau.edu.sa, sinairanger@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +966-(0)-557653684 | |
Expertise | : | Remote Sensing; GIS; Geoscience; Biodiversity; Environmental Management; Soil Pollution; Agriculture and Natural Resources Management. | |
Weblink | : | https://melhag.kau.edu.sa/Default-0061167-EN |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Yousef Nazzal | |
Designation | : | Professor & Chair | |
Affiliation | : | College of Natural and Health Sciences Zayed University P.O. Box 144534 Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
: | Yousef.Nazzal@zu.ac.ae | ||
Telephone | : | +971 56 415 5454 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Impact Assessment; Natural Resources Development; Environmental Management; Water and Soil Management; Integrated Water Resources Management; Land Use and City Planning; Modelling of Dust Storms Pathway; Hydrogeological Vulnerability; Risk Mapping of Groundwater Resources | |
Weblink | : | https://www.zu.ac.ae/main/en/colleges/colleges/__ college_of_natural_and_health_sciences/faculty_and_ staff/_profiles/Yousef_Nazzal.aspx |
Name | : | Dr. Manar Bani Mfarrej | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
Affiliation | : | College of Natural and Health Sciences Zayed University P.O. Box 144534, Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
: | Manar.Mfarrej@zu.ac.ae | ||
Telephone | : | +971 2 599 3166 | |
Expertise | : | Environmental Sustainability; Environmental Pollution; Organic and Natural Pesticides; Environmental Economics; Indoor Air Quality; Waste Management; Food Safety; Climate Change | |
Weblink | : | https://www.zu.ac.ae/main/en/colleges/colleges/__ college_of_natural_and_health_sciences/faculty_and_ staff/_profiles/Manar_Bani_Mfarrej.aspx |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Vishwambhar Prasad Sati | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
Affiliation | : | Department of Geography & Resource Management School of Earth Sciences Mizoram University (Central University) Tanhril, Aizawl - 796 00, INDIA |
: | vishwambhar.sati@yahoo.com, sati.vp@gmail.com, vpsati@mzu.edu.in | ||
Telephone | : | +91-09089904889 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources Management, Environment and Development | |
Weblink | : |
www.researchgate.net/profile/Vishwambhar_Prasad _Sati https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NyCuGOcAAAAJ&hl=en https://glp.earth/users/vishwambhar-prasad-sati https://site.mzu.edu.in/department-of-geography-and-resource-management/ |
Name | : | Dr. Om Katel | |
Designation | : | Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages | |
Affiliation | : | College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan |
: | katelom76@gmail.com, ombhutan2016@gmail.com | ||
Telephone | : | +975 2 376250 | |
Expertise | : | Natural Resources Management; Climate Change; Integrated Watershed Management | |
Weblink | : | https://bhutanhimalayanclimatestudies.com/ partners/dr-om-katel/ https://rub-ovc.academia.edu/OmNKatel https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Om-Katel https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7VKGhoAAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/om-katel-20a02911/?originalSubdomain=bt |
* Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Nachtnebel (Austria)
* Prof. Dr. Parviz Koohafkan (Italy)
* Prof. Dr. Sándor Kerekes (Hungary)
* Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muminjanov (Italy/Tajikistan)
* Prof. Dr. Uygun Aksoy (Turkey)
* Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mahdavi (Iran)
* Dr. Walter Fernandez (India)
* Prof. Dr. Gordana Đurić (Bosnia i Herzegovina)
* Prof. Dr. Ermek Baibagyshov (Kyrgyz Repbulic)
* Prof. Dr. Eng. Gabriela Teodorescu (Romania)
* Dr. Hasrat Arjjumend (Canada)
* Dr. Usongo Patience Abaufei (Cameroon)
* Ms. Areej Sabir (Pakistan)
* Dr. Jason MacLean (Canada)
* Dr. Yuliya Rashchupkina (Canada)
* Dr. Richard leBrasseur (Canada)
* Prof. Dr. Bartha Dénes, DSc (Hungary)
* Dr. Kollányi László (Hungary)
* Dr. Krisztián Katona (Hungary)
* Dr. Marcos Frommel (Uruguay/Argentina)
* Dr. Olena Khrushch (Ukraine)
* Dr. Evgeniya Kopitsa (Ukraine)
* Dr. Anastasiia Zymaroieva (Ukraine)
* Dr. Alla Pecheniuk (Ukraine)
* Dr. Buryk Zoriana (Ukraine)
* Dr. Marius Warg Næss (Norway)
* Dr. Stefano Duglio (Italy)
* Prof. Dr. Maria-Mihaela Antofie (Romania)
* Prof. habil. Dr. Cristiana Radulescu (Romania)
* Dr. Ioana-Daniela Dulama (Romania)
* Dr. Mihaela Stet (Romania)
* Dr. Radoslaw J. Walkowiak (Poland)
* Dr. Shafi Noor Islam (Brunei)
* Dr. Wenresti G. Gallardo (Oman)
* Dr. Omprakash Madguni (India)
* Dr. Y. Vasudeva Rao (India)
* Prof. Dr. Sanjay-Swami (India)
* Prof. Dr. Yiching Song (China)
* Prof. Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam (Bangladesh)
* Prof. Dr. Syed Hafizur Rahman (Bangladesh)
* Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Ali (Bangladesh)
* Prof. Dr. Md. Mujibor Rahman (Bangladesh)
* Dr. Shahidul Islam (Bangladesh)
* Dr. Dragojla Golub (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Dr. Vesna Rajčević (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Dr. Muhamed Katica (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Dr. Grujica Vico (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Dr. Vesna Tunguz (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Prof. Dr. Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić (Serbia)
* Dr. Nikola Boskovic (Serbia)
* Prof. Dr. Afrim Selimaj (Kosovo)
* Prof. Dr. Prasanthi Gunawardena (Sri Lanka)
* Dr. Nishan Sakalasooriya (Sri Lanka)
* Dr. T. Mathiventhan (Sri Lanka)
* Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Thailand)
* Dr. Juan M. Pulhin (Philippines)
* Prof. Dr. Rose Jane J. Peras (Philippines)
* Dr. Hildie Maria E. Nacorda (Philippines)
* Izr. Prof. Dr. Matej Ogrin (Slovenia)
* Dr. Zornitsa Stoyanova (Bulgaria)
* Dr. Anna Karova (Bulgaria)
* Dr. Ing. K. Berchová Bímová (Czech Republic)
* Dr. Fauziah Shahul Hamid (Malaysia)
* Prof. Dr. Sampson Umenne (Namibia)
* Dr. M. Surabuddin Mondal (Ethiopia)
* Dr. Firuza Begham Mustafa (Malaysia)
* Dr. Safiah Yusmah M. Yusoff (Malaysia)
* Prof. Dr. Waleed M.R. Hamza (UAE)
* Dr. Moetaz El Sergany (UAE)
* Dr. Nurzat Totubaeva (Kyrgyz Republic)
* Dr. Eldiiar Duulatov (Kyrgyzstan Republic)
* Dr. Mohinder Slariya (India)
* Dr. Hongfen Zhu (China)
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