(ISSN: 2564-4653; CODEN: AAGGCI; DOI: 10.33002/aa) is an international, scientific double blind peer-reviewed open access journal published half-yearly (in June and December) online by The Grassroots Institute in partnership with University of Lucian Blaga of Sibiu (Romania) and Fondacija Alica (Bosnia & Herzegovina).
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The objective of our journal Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology is to explore variety of concepts, practices and implications in emerging scientific fields within combined and integrated domain of Agrobiodiversity (or Agricultural Biodiversity) and Agroecology. This journal aims at creating an opportunity for presenting different research from all parts of the world that facilitate the dialogue across different disciplines and various actors for capitalizing on different kind of knowledges. This journal is inclusive by giving the opportunity to: (i) researcher from the South to publish in a journal without any fees for the open-access, and (ii) farmers' organizations and NGOs to be represented as co-authors with researchers for presenting together their viewpoints on the research.
Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China
Yanyan Zhang1, Xin Song2, Yiching Song*3
1College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; & Farmers’ Seed Network in China, Nanning, China. Email: zhangyanyan@fsnchina.net | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7000-896X
2Farmers’ Seed Network in China, Nanning, China. Email: songxin@fsnchina.net | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5323-2348
3United Nations Environment Programme – International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; & Farmers’ Seed Network in China, Nanning, China.
Email: songyc.ccap@igsnrr.ac.cn | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4505-0207
*Corresponding author
Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 02(01): 37-45. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Received: 17 March 2022
Reviewed: 13 April 2022
Accepted: 27 April 2022
Published: 30 June 2022
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Maintaining farmer’s seed systems is important to secure the adaptive capacity both ecologically and socially for global food systems, and to secure genetic diversity. In a mountain village of southwest China, a Participatory Action Research Team has carried out action research for more than 20 years to support women's participation in participatory breeding and to enhance the farmers’ seed system. In this case study, the team assisted women in the conservation of local varieties and establishment of community seed banks to enhance farmers’ seed systems. The women-led agricultural cooperatives promoted the economic development of the community and improved the sustainability of farmers’ seed system through eco-circular agriculture and the community supported agriculture (CSA) model. In this participatory process, the empowerment of women improved women's comprehensive ability and provided the guarantee of human resources for enhancing farmers' seed system. Multi-stakeholder processes also extended important support to this model work.
Keywords: Seed bank; Farmers’ network; Participatory action; Community agriculture
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Zhang, Y., Song, X. and Song, Y. (2022). Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China. Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 02(01): 37-45. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Zhang, Y., Song, X., & Song, Y. (2022). Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China. Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 02 (01), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Zhang Y., Song X., Song Y. Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China. Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 2022, 02 (01), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Zhang, Yanyan, Song, Xin, Song, Yiching. 2022. “Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China”. Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 02 no. 01: 37-45. https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Zhang, Yanyan, Xin Song and Yiching Song. 2022. “Enhancing Farmers’ Seed Systems through Empowerment of Women: A Case Study from China”. Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology, 02 (01): 37-45. https://doi.org/10.33002/aa020103
Internet Archive: | https://archive.org/details/aa-02-01-03-zhang-song-song-m00302 |
WorldCat: | https://search.worldcat.org/de/title/8436744064 |
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In Partnership with
* Dr. Johannes Engels (Italy)
* Prof. Dr. Pramod W. Ramteke (India)
* Prof. Dr. Maria-Miheala Antofie (Romania)
* Dr. Gordana Đurić (Bosnia i Herzegovina)
* Dr. Hasrat Arjjumend (Canada)
* Dr. M. Ehsan Dulloo (Mauritius)
* Dr. Divéky-Ertsey Anna (Hungary)
* Dr. Chito Medina (Philippines)
* Normita G. Ignacio (Philippines)
* Dr. Bal Krishna Joshi (Nepal)
* Dr. Alipio Canahua Murillo (Peru)
* Prof. Dr. Yiching Song (China)
* Dr. Mirela Kajkut Zeljković (Bosnia)
* Dr. Adrijana Filipović, DSc (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Dr. Danijela Petrović (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
* Prof. Dr. Sonja Ivanovska (Macedonia)
* Prof. Dr. Milan Mataruga (Bosnia)
* Dr. habil. Camelia Sava (Romania)
* Maedeh Salimi (Iran)
* Dr. Rhonda R. Janke (Oman)
* Prof. Dr. habil. Aurel Maxim (Romania)
* Dr. Mirela-Aurora Stanciu (Romania)
* Dr. Wishfully Mylliemngap (India)
* Dr. Dr. Olena Boika (Ukraine)
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